

Printing office

Printing office

Aleja Najświętszej Maryi Panny 52, 42-217 Częstochowa

Built in the mid-nineteenth century, since beginning of XXth century it was associated with printing – first with the family of Wilkoszewscy, printers and publishers of "Goniec Częstochowski" newspaper, and later with delegation of Kraków-Warsaw Press Releases, formed during German occupation with use of equipment stolen and confiscated from Polish publishing companies.  Francis Dionysius Wilkoszewski installed on premises the first rotating machine and linotypes for printing newspapers and books in Częstochowa. After his death in Buchenwald concentration camp, an infamous "Kurier Częstochowski" was printed in the building – a propaganda outlet praising the german occupants. Journalists associated with "Kurier Częstochowski" were tried before court after the war. Today it is the printing office of Częstochowa Graphic Works. An interesting bas-relief called "Allegory of Work" is placed on the building wall.

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